• Post intravenous (IV) contrast multdetector multislice minimized dose standard CT chest

    • Best for most chest related problems, for mediastinal pathology, for pleural pathology, for neoplasia detection, monitoring etc, infections.
    • Routinely requires IV contrast
    • May not need IV contrast if monitoring progress of lung nodules.


    CT Chest with IV Contrast

    • nothing to eat for 3 hours prior to appointment
    • blood test (creatinine and eGFR) within 3 months of examination appointment
    • withhold metformin 24 hours prior to procedure and 48 hours after procedure and a blood test (creatinine) 1-2 days after procedure if there is renal impairment.

    CT CHEST without IV Contrast

    No preparation required

  • High resolution CT chest

    1. Best for interstitial lung disease, emphysaema, bronchiectasis, atypical infections, TB.
    2. Does not require IV contrast


    No preparation required

  • CTPA (pulmonary angiogram)

    1. Best for detecting pulmonary emboli
    2. Concentrates on the pulmonary arteries so does not scan the entire chest/lungs
    3. Requires IV contrast


    • nothing to eat for 3 hours prior to appointment
    • blood test (creatinine and eGFR) within 3 months of examination appointment
    • withhold metformin 24 hours prior to procedure and 48 hours after procedure and a blood test (creatinine) 1-2 days after procedure if there is renal impairment.
  • Standard CT chest for follow-up of lung nodules

    Usually does not require IV contrast


    No preparation required